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The Higher Diploma course is for qualified bodywork professionals who want to advance their clinical knowledge and skills to offer advanced intervention procedures for patients with chronic soft tissue pain, muscle and nerve pain.
The course is delivered over a two and a half year period with practical weekends taking place every 8 weeks (Friday evenings / Saturdays & Sundays) and online lessons in between. With only a short flight away from the UK to Dublin, the course is very accessible to students in the UK who can book flights well in advance and get good deals. We already have some students enrolled from the UK and we would love to be able to get the word to other therapists in the UK who would like to attend.
The tutors on the course include Joanne Avison, Professor Carol Davis, Jan Trewartha, Dr Wilbour Kelsick, John Sharkey and Kevin Prunty.
Below is an overview of the advanced content involving sports massage and soft tissue manipulation techniques based on the model of Biotensegrity that is covered on the course:
For further information and course dates click here
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